Sunday, February 10, 2013

La carte Vitale..-

La carte vitale is the social security card, its green with yellow and you will find on it:  your picture, names, and SS number, plus a chip (puce) that will come very useful and handy at all times. - That chip contains all your information, from basic info (last visit to the doctor, or hospital, birth date, etc etc) to bank information (so they can reimburse you all the expenses). 

Tip:  Just in case you are a control freak like me and want to memorize your SS number (or you are just curious to know how they do it) the social security number in France is composed by 15 digits as follows:

Example:  2 89 12 99 419 050 40

2 = Gender (1 for male 2 for female)

89 = The two digits of the year you were born

12 = The month you were born

99 = The deppartment code where you were born - 99 for "etranger" 

419 = Country code of your birth country 

050 = Supposed to be the number of your birth cerificate 

40 =  Verification code (clĂ© de verification) 

This card is free, and is delivered to your once you subscribe to the social security. (See previous post)

In the past once you go to the doctor you were asked to fill tons of paperwork to be reimbursed. Now with the chip it all works automatically.  You are supposed to receive your money back in your bank account within 24 to 48 hours!

There are some "caisse d'assurance maladie" *social security*  ATM kind of machines all around the cities where you can insert your card and check your balances and updates.   Also this helps you update your informations. 

T -  

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